
Addressing Critical challenges with Powerful Impact Strategies 

We believe in the opportunity to achieve more. Through thoughtful and impactful investing we hope to successfully bring about measurable outcomes that play a small role in making the world better for as many people as possible. We focus on critical challenges that we feel deserve positive outcomes. We view these challenges as the catalyst for us in our efforts to bring about positive change.


Co-founder and CEO, Alex grew up in data analytics at the family company, Smith Travel Research (STR), the world leader of hotel data analytics. He joined the company full-time following his graduation from The University of North Carolina. After learning the hotel ropes, he led the efforts to expand STR into other industries. In addition to investing, Alex is chairman of the board for the Carolyn Smith Foundation, where he is passionate about supporting a wide variety of meaningful organizations in his mother’s memory.

Co-founder and Managing Partner, Jessica previously served as Director of Research and Development at STR. She led new product development, partnership conversations, methodology, and analytics. Jessica holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington and a Master of Science degree from the University of Hawaii. Outside of investing in promising companies, Jessica is passionate about rare disease advocacy. She spends a lot of time teaching others about Sanfilippo Syndrome, a type of childhood dementia, and working with others to move treatments forward.

Jessica Haywood

Alex Smith

Areas of FOCUS


We have a wide variety of interests but are primarily interested in impact investing. While impact investing is our main focus we are also inclined to invest in companies we feel we can best help guide with our expertise. This includes data analytics and rare disease. That said, we are always willing to explore new opportunities.

 If you believe you are a fit, please reach out.

We focus our investments across several enveloping Areas

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